Recess is a three-dimensional digital work environment designed to fundamentally change the experience of being a remote worker in the future, by establishing a sense of community in an isolated work setting.
In 2040, we assume that the majority of the workforce will have transitioned from physical workspaces to teams of remote workers. While studies continuously show that working remotely is becoming an increasingly more viable option for the everyday worker, a New York Times survey of more than 15,000 adults shows a newer problem which arises from this shift in the workplace. This new problem is loneliness, isolation, and solitude. Many times, people working remotely are alone for most of the day with no one to talk to. This repeated routine of not having anyone to interact with directly, particularly from your place of work, perpetuates a sense of isolation in the remote workforce.
Recess is a creative and delightful solution to the loneliness one might feel from working remotely and the regimented corporate structure currently in place. By facilitating a digital work environment, where users can customize their own avatar and interact with other remote workers, Recess establishes a new sense of community that will improve morale, workflow, and efficiency. Recess works like any other desktop application. First-time users of Recess will be prompted to create a username and their own custom avatar. Once completed, the worker enters their company-specific password in order to access their digital workspace. After loading in, the user can freely move around the environment and interact with other users by messaging, sending emails, calling, and video chatting.